Digital Miniature Multi Channel Analyzer
XMA-V6 is a high-performance, miniaturized, high pulse pass rate, and high linearity energy
spectrum acquisition system specially matched to various detectors. The system integrates lownoise
preamplifiers for matching detectors, voltage divider, programmable low-ripple highvoltage
power supply, digital multi-channel (DMCA), PC terminal host computer software, etc.,
are intended to realize the portable, fast and accurate energy spectrum acquisition and analysis of
the scintillator detector, which is specially used for the detector evaluation, radiation detection
system measurement, gamma spectrometer, dosimeter and other fields like nuclear industry
safety, entry and exit safety, environmental safety, etc. XMA-V3OEM is a multi-channel system
dedicated to customers for secondary development. Customers can integrate according to actual
needs. It is suitable for professional instrument development and key component integration